All images on this website are Copyright © Marcus Lindenlaub. The rights to use the photographs are owned by Marcus Lindenlaub. You are granted the limited right to use the photographs for rough layouts ("comps"), storyboards, or in-house presentations for you and/or your clients only. You are prohibited from any other usage of the photographs (including website applications) without prior written permission and payment of a licensing fee. You may not create any derivative usages or artist renderings of any of the photographs without prior written permission from Marcus Lindenlaub, nor do you acquire any right, title, or interest in, or to any works derived from any of these photographs. You agree not to permit, authorize or make use of the photographs or any derivative without the prior written permission of Marcus Lindenlaub. You are not allowed to sell, publish, license, or distribute any of the photographs in whole or in part without prior written permission from Marcus Lindenlaub. You are prohibited from using the photographs beyond the limited comp, storyboard, and in-house presentation rights granted herein; any other usage constitutes a willful copyright infringement subject topunishment to the fullest extent of the law.
Pictures on this website are samples only. Marcus keeps a large stock of images. Do not hesitate to contact Marcus if you are looking for a picture.
To price usage for print, we need to know the following:
Their contrast, saturation, etc. can be adjusted as necessary, but they cannot be altered or included in any composite that is resold.
Most of our library consists of 11 to 30 MP digital images or ~100MB high res TIFF scans. These files can be delivered via FTP or a download link.